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Hospital Charges and Surgery
Organ Transplant
Area of Cover
International Medical Emergency Assistance
Medical Evacuation
Cancer Treatment
Psychiatric Treatment
Out-Patient Treatment
Primary and Specialist Care
Acute Medical Conditions for New Borns
Pregnancy Delivery
Pre & Post-Natal Complication Treatment
Routine Dental Care
Routine Optical Care
Annual Health Checks
Ambulance Support
Home Nursing
Telemedicine/Virtual Doctor Service
Yearly Maximum Limit



$ 1,682


Wordwide excl. US
Up to US $500
Up to US $200
Up to US $300





Wordwide excl. US
Up to US $1,000
Up to US $400
Up to US $700





Up to US $1,500
Up to US $600
Up to US $1,500



$ 1,682


Hospital Charges and Surgery
Organ Transplant
Area of Cover Worldwide excl. US
Int'l Medical Emergency Assistance
Medical Evacuation
Cancer Treatment
Psychiatric Treatment
Out-Patient Treatment
Primary and Specialist Care
Acute Medical Conditions for New Borns
Pregnancy Delivery
Pre & Post-Natal Complication Treatment
Routine Dental Care Up to US $500
Routine Optical Care Up to US $200
Annual Health Checks Up to US $300
Telemedicine/Virtual Doctor Service
Ambulance Support
Home Nursing
Yearly Maximum Limit $750,000





Hospital Charges and Surgery
Organ Transplant
Area of Cover Worldwide excl. US
Int'l Medical Emergency Assistance
Medical Evacuation
Cancer Treatment
Psychiatric Treatment
Out-Patient Treatment
Primary and Specialist Care
Acute Medical Conditions for New Borns
Pregnancy Delivery
Pre & Post-Natal Complication Treatment
Routine Dental Care Up to US $1,000
Routine Optical Care Up to US $400
Annual Health Checks Up to US $700
Telemedicine/Virtual Doctor Service
Ambulance Support
Home Nursing
Yearly Maximum Limit $1,000,000





Hospital Charges and Surgery
Organ Transplant
Area of Cover Worldwide excl. US
Int'l Medical Emergency Assistance
Medical Evacuation
Cancer Treatment
Psychiatric Treatment
Out-Patient Treatment
Primary and Specialist Care
Acute Medical Conditions for New Borns
Pregnancy Delivery
Pre & Post-Natal Complication Treatment
Routine Dental Care Up to US $1,500
Routine Optical Care Up to US $600
Annual Health Checks Up to US $1,500
Telemedicine/Virtual Doctor Service
Ambulance Support
Home Nursing
Yearly Maximum Limit $1,500,000

Need a corporate plan or a tailored health insurance plan?

Send us an email or request a call back if you require Group/Employee Health Plans, International Plans or Third-Party Administrator Plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the plans and underwriting mode options available under AXA Global Health Plan?

  • There are three (3) plans available along with different levels of benefits to meet your healthcare protection costs and to suit your budget. For additional plan flexibility, you can choose an Area of Cover option of either Worldwide or Worldwide excluding USA.


    At the time of your joining us, we will require you to complete an Application Form. This is what we refer as full medical underwriting. This means our medical underwriters will assess the health declaration you have made for yourself and your eligible family members and once we have accepted you and your family on the selected plan, any new medical conditions arising from the start of your policy will be covered subject to the policy terms and conditions.


    A fully underwritten application and policy does not generally cover medical conditions that you and your family already have (referred as pre-existing conditions) when you take up the policy, including any related (associated) conditions.

What is the last entry age for my application insurance? Is this a lifetime renewal product?

  • The last entry age is sixty-six (66) years old at the time of insurance application. Once we have accepted your application and provided the plan you had chosen is still available, you can continue to renew the policy at the terms and conditions applicable at each policy anniversary, up to when you reach eighty (80) years old.

Are there occupations that we exclude?

  • Yes, the individuals with the following occupation is not accepted for cover: Armed Services (including Police, Army, Air Force, Navy etc.); Professional sports players (including players, trainers, coaches etc.);People in the profession relating to “Nuclear, biological or chemical contamination and war risks” and Oil and Gas

Can my family members take up different plans under the same policy?

  • No, all applicants must apply for the same plan.

What is the process of addition of a new born family member to the policy?

  • A policyholder can apply to add new-born babies (who are born to the policyholder or the policyholder’s legal spouse) to the policy from their date of birth provided both parents are continuously insured under the policy for at least 365 consecutive days. Such inclusion of new born is to be done within 30 days from the date of birth of the new-born baby.

Can I continue to maintain my policy when I return to my home country or if I change my principal country of residence?

  • Our plans are primarily designed for applicants who reside in Nigeria for at least one hundred and eight-five (185) days during the policy year. This means we will consider Nigeria as your principal country of residence (PCOR).


    Whenever you change your PCOR, you must notify us of this change within thirty (30) days as this may impact your premium. Failure to notify us about any change in principal country of residence may also impact the level of cover.


    If you are not a Nigerian national and you are returning to your home country to live, you will not be able to keep this policy.


    If you are a Nigerian national and there is a change in the PCOR, we will review your requested change, as in some cases we may not be able to cover you when you reside outside Nigerian because of international laws or domestic laws of that country.


    Please note that we are unable to cover you if you are an American or Canadian citizen whose PCOR is either the United States of America or Canada.

Can I upgrade/downgrade my plan?

  • Yes. You can change your plan level or area of cover upon policy renewal. Any upgrades may subject you with additional medical underwriting assessment.

Do you re-underwrite my policy at policy renewal? Will I be penalized if I had made a claim in my current year?

  • We will not change the terms of your policy simply as a result of your personal claims. The premium payable at each policy renewal is determined based on the attained age of each member and may change according to past or foreseeable changes in medical practice or procedures, the type and frequency of claims made generally by all of our members covered under the same plan as you and to reflect the changing medical inflation rate.

Am I covered if I travel outside my chosen area of cover?

  • Yes, you are covered up to the amount shown in your benefits table for emergency treatment which arises suddenly when you are outside your area of cover. You will not be covered if you have travelled outside your area of cover to receive treatment or if it was not for an emergency treatment. The outside area-of-cover benefit does not pay for any aspect of pregnancy or childbirth.

Is pre-existing conditions and congenital conditions covered?

  • Yes, our plans have been designed to provide some limited coverage for pre-existing conditions and congenital conditions but after a waiting period of two hundred and seventy (270) days of consecutive membership. This is provided when you had declared these pre-existing conditions and congenital condition on the Application Form, your application was accepted by us, and also these pre-existing conditions and congenital conditions are not part of the exclusions/limitations.


    It is important that you disclose all facts relating to any existing medical conditions at the time of joining, otherwise we are not obliged to consider extending such covers. Non- disclosure of facts means that you either did not declare or that you had not declared fully all facts relating to your medical conditions that would influence our underwriting decision to accept your application and the terms and conditions that should apply.

Can I choose the doctor/country for my treatment?

  • Yes, you are free to choose any recognized doctor for your treatment in any country within your chosen area of cover subject to usual Reasonable and Customary charges.

Should I obtain pre-authorization before any treatment?

  • By seeking our pre-authorization in advance before treatment, AXA will confirm if your treatment is eligible under your policy and if the costs are within the remaining benefit limit of your plan. In this way, you are assured that you will be protected from any unexpected costs.

What is the application process?

  • • The applicant completes the application form.
    • The Completed Applications form is received by the Health Underwriting team.
    • Application form is sent to the Reinsurers.
    • Reinsurer advises terms and conditions.
    • Customer proceeds to make payment.

Is there an age limit for the travel insurance?

Benefits Waiting Period (From date of commencement of cover)
Pre and Post-natal complications 365 consecutive days
Pregnancy and childbirth 365 consecutive days
Hospice and Palliative Care 365 consecutive days
Pre-existing conditions and Congenital Conditions 270 consecutive days
Investigations into Infertility 18 consecutive months
Treatment for HIV / Aids 36 consecutive months

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