Friday, September 17

3 reasons why Life insurance benefits your children

Life Insurance is usually such a hard thing to think of because it is linked to the end of one’s life. It is a very hard discussion to have, but necessary. One of the most importance reasons for a life insurance is because of one’s children. Having life insurance gives parents’ the peace of mind knowing that money would be available to protect the family and estate in a number of ways.

Here are 3 reasons why having a life insurance policy could be a good idea for you and benefit your children:

  1. Living Benefits– In addition to death benefits which are the primary reason for getting a life insurance policy, many life policies have living benefits such as interest/earnings on savings which can come in handy for your child for college tuition, vehicle purchase, wedding expenses.
  2. Peace of mind – Nothing compares to the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your child/children are l always protected whether you are there or not. Getting life insurance means you are looking out for your children’s future.
  3. Education: There are policies that are focused solely on ensuring your children’s education continues and its standard is not reduced no matter what happens. Some policies even ensure that school fees are paid directly to the children’s school should be parent no longer be around to take care of it.

Purchasing a life insurance policy like life savings by AXA Mansard protects them from future financial disasters & to help them start on a higher financial pedestal. A life insurance policy like life savings can provide loan collateral, cover unexpected circumstances such as death, and cash value for covering major expenses.